Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

Playing 2D6 Dungeon – First Level

One of my favorite Games I play Solo is the 2D6 Dungeon from Toby Lancaster.

I leave a Link to his Products after the Gameplay. I am no Affiliate to him, I just like his Products so much.

Let’s start the Adventure by creating an adventurer. Here are the first Stats. You can find the Details for the Character Creation on Page 9 of the Rule Book.

After that, you decide on a Weapon and its corresponding Manoeuvres. You can find them in the Tables Codex. Since I never played with one, I decided on the Heavy Mace. Each Manoeuvre has a Dice Set, and I like to take some Middle Grounds like in this Example the 3, 2 and 4, 1. Both will give me +1 Damage.

Next the Armour. Here I decided on a Jerken that gives us -1 Damage on a Primary 4.

After the Starting Equipment, we are Ready to Dive into the Dungeon.

My Paper has a 26 x 28 Grid and I will use this as our Dungeon. We start by drawing a Starting Chamber like this:

This is my Start and I decided to go left.

Ok, so now, you roll 3 Dice. The first one is for the horizontal Lines and it is the green one and the Second is the vertical and I am using the yellow Dice. Red is for the Number of Doors that will appear. 1=0 Doors, 2+3 = 1 Door, 4+5 = 2 Doors and 6 = 3 Doors. You then decide on the Room you are going to draw. Unless you have a Double and then we have a different Rule Set. Which we will get to.

So I draw a 4 by 5 Room with 2 Doors. The Doors can’t face the same way where you came in from. That is why you can only draw up to 3 Doors.

You need 2 Dice that are different Colors. 1 of them you decide for the rest of the Game is the Primary Dice and the other one is the secondary Dice. Mine is blue Primary and White Secondary. We now roll these 2 Dice and look what Room you will get. 5+5 – Abattoir – Two large carcasses of unidentifiable animals hang from the ceiling to one side. THEN: A butcher works away at one, turns and attacks, cleaver raised (use Artisan stats). We have Wooden Doors and it is a Unique Room.

The Attack

He has only 3 HP and 1 Shift Point.

Round 1. We roll 2 Dice and try to hit our Manouvers. so 3 on Prime, 2 on Second 4 on Prime, and 1 on Second. I Rolled a 4 and 2. Now that would be a miss, but we have 2 Shift Points. Which lets you Change the Value of the Dice up or down that many points. So we can work out a 4+1 for the Fight. But he has a Deflect Armour on Secondary 1s. So our Damage will be 2 less. We roll a 1d6 + 1 damage. I rolled a 6+1 for 7 HP – 2 for his Armour but he is gone. Giving us 5 XP, a Roll on the PT1 – 2 and 2D6 Silver. I rolled a 4+6 = 10 Silver Coins. Let’s have a look at the PT1 Table. Roll 2D6 and add them together. 5+3=8 – 2 for the Treasure Role on the Enemy Card. Gives us a 6. There are d6 Silver coins in the Pouch. Ok. Roll a d6 +6 Silver and we can add a Pouch to our Inventory.

Little Tipp

Always Read the Rooms or Treasure Tables carefully. Most times they have a practical Item, that you might take as well. So now, I have 2 Pouches for some Smaller Items.

We have to find out, if we can open the Doors or if we have to go back. Wooden Doors are the easiest one. You basically can open it on a 1-5. It is only closed on a 6. I rolled a 5. So it is open.

Let’s move forward to the left.

New Room

This Time I rolled a 1 on the Yellow Dice. As soon as you roll a 1 you have a Corridor. And nothing happens. You just move on to the next Room. Now we have to decide. On our left, we can only move 3 more spaces even if we would roll a 4, 5, 6, or even more with a double.

Before I roll, I wanted to “Fancy” the Gameplay a bit. I used one of my white dice to write down the Room Numbers. I have now 1 Side with a 0 and 3 and 2 sides each with a 1 and 2. I also grabbed a few coins, Potionbottles and Figures to Represent My Hero. But, the Paper is a bit too small for the Figure, so I am using a Rune Token for it, so we could see in which Room we are currently in.

I still want to move left and see what is at the End of the Dungeon. Let’s Roll.

Of course a 6 now that I can only draw 3… And 2 Doors, that not helping me at all. Because I can only draw 1 Door moving North. And, because we now have a 3×2 Room this is only a 6. So it is a Small Room and we will roll on a different Table. So I rolled a 6+1 and here you count them Together. We Found a Murataynie Effigy. There is a grisly effigy of Murataynie here. It smells of rotting flesh. If you call for its favor here – 2 to the roll. There is no space to make offerings. Unique Room. – So what that means is – In this game, you have 6 Gods, that you can make offerings to. And we found a Room, where we could ask a favor of one specific God, but we couldn’t do any offerings here. So I can’t do anything in this Room at the Moment. But let’s mark it on the Map.

Moving North

We rolled a 4×6 Room with 1 Door. I decided to Face the Door to the North. Because we would have the Door from the Corridor for this part. We rolled a 6+1 for the Room and we got a Apothecary. A table is covered in jars and bottles. Scrolls full of the script are tacked to the walls. – You must face the APOTHECARY. If you survive search the table. Roll on POT1 and POT2. The Doors are Random and it is a Unique Room. OK. First I want to see what the Doors are and then let’s face an Apothecary.

Thanks to Jerkin with a Primary 4 we would get -3 on the Dice not just a -2. Round 1 was insane. I got a Double 6 – You can add your Shift and Attack without Interrupt. Rolling a 4 + 1 for the Attack and 2 for the Shift Points. You can only add these when you roll a double 6. And the Apothecary rolled a Double 1. Never seen that before…
I caught him in Round 4. We get 35 XP. And as a Treasure, we Roll on POT1 and after that, we will Roll the Treasures from the Room. POT1 = 2 Potion of Healing. POT1 = 3 Potion of Phasing and POT2 = 5 Potion of Speed Blast. And, in the Description, it says that there were Jars and Bottles on a Table. So I will grab 1d4 of each. You can never know when you need one of them. Only 1 of each. But better then nothing.

For the Doors we rolled Portcullies. These you have to find Levers to open and a lot can go wrong. So I will walk back to the Corridor and go through the open door there.

Heading Back and up North

We rolled a 1 x 6 and 1 Door. We found another Corridor. Let’s more on North.

Ok. 5X5 and 0 Doors. Now when you roll a Double you keep the Numbers and Roll again. Wow. 6×5. That will be a Large Room, but a Dead End. Hopefully not for Leon. The Room will be 11 x 10 and will have no Doors.

4 – Old Mess Hall. This Room was once a mess hall. Some benches and tables are pushed to one side. Other chairs are stacked around the edges of the room. Roll on IAUT1 – Wooden Doors (which we do not have) and Unique Room.

IAUT1 (Interruptions and the unexpected Table 1 – 4×4 You do not notice at first, but when you glance up you see a bag slung over a beam. it is out of reach, but if you have some way of pulling it down through Intentive Usage, then inside you find a couple of items. Roll on PIT2 and SCT1.

Let me think about this. There is not a lot in our Backpack that could help us at the moment. We need to move on and try to remember to go back as soon as we find something that could help us.

From Abattoir moving North

Let’s go back to the Abattoir and move north. 5×4 and again 0 Doors. Room is 5 + 6 – Dump – This space has been used to dump rubbish and stone, piles of which fill two corners. – You can rummage through the rubbish. Roll on RUPT1 and then on IAUT1 – Archways and not Unique

RUPT1: 6+6 – There is a fungal bloom underneath the rubbish. Growing on this is a purple mushroom.
Let’s grab this mushroom and put it in a Pouch in our Backpack.

IAUT1 – 1+4 – You cross the room but stagger as the floor falls away from beneath you. You grab for the ledge. Roll 2D6 and add your Precision. On a z or higher you grab hold and climb free. On a 6 or lower you fall in and lose 3 HP and then climb out. Our precision is 0 so let’s Roll. I rolled a Double 1… A DOUBLE 1… So we are on 7 HP at the Moment

Back where we came from

Now, that there are no more Doors we can go through, Let’s move back into the Entryway and move up from there.

OK. a 4×5 Room with 2 Doors. We rolled a 4 + 6 – Canteen – Three rough tables, a few chairs, and stools stand next to a wooden bar. – The barman yells and attacks (use Labourer stats) Also face a patron. Roll on L1W -1 – Wooden Door (Rolled a 5 they are open) Unique Room. Well, this could be the End of Leon…

L1W – 1: 6-1 = 5 Jailor

Here is a brief overview of the Fight. Round 1, Leon and the Barman missed, and the Jailor had a Prime Attack losing me 1 HP. Round 2. Leon Missed again, this time the Barman hit us with a 5-3 for 2 HP. The Jailor missed.
Round 3 was more interesting. Leon and the Barman both missed again. The Jailor had a Misshap Roll 1+1 so I got an Extra Round for an Attack. Which 1 Hit and Rolled a 4+1 Damage. That ended the Jailor. And then there were just the Barman and Leon. With a Wide Swing with his Heavy Maze and thanks to the Shifting Points hit him for 6+1 and he was done.

Let’s grab some XP and some Rewards and let’s discover some Items in the Room.

We got 15 HP giving us 55 in Total

We can roll twice on PT1 +1 and PT1 -2 – 3+5+1 = 9 – There are some coins in the pouch. Gain d6+2 Silver and d6 Gold – 1+2 = 3 Silver and 6 Gold.
5+5-2 = 8 – There are some Malako Leaves inside. And we now gain 2 more Pouches. 1 We will use for the Malako Leaves

Now with the Leaves in this game, you can do different Things. You can use them to create Potions or Bombs. We will keep track of them in our Inventory. I like to have a separate Section on my sheet, where I use 1 Pouch for each different Leave.

Before we move on, I would like to go back to the Canteen and show you a Great Side Tour you can do.

Once per Level, you can find a hidden Entrance to leave the dungeon without being seen. You need a wall, that is on the Dungeon Edge. The Canteen has 10 of them. You roll a d6 and you can roll it as many times as you have Walls in the Room. We need a 6 to escape. Tile Number 8 was my Entrance.

Heading to Town

First, if you leave, you can Heal up all your HP. So we are now back to 10 HP.

Again, we did not get a lot in our Backback, but, we do have some Coin and I would like to buy some things.

I will sell our Potion of Phasing that gives us 2 Gold Coins. And I will go and buy the following Items.

1 Grappling Hook for 4 GC, 1 Rope, and Leather string for 1 GC each, 10 Pouches, Bottles, and Caskets for 1 Gold Coin, and Strong Glue for 0.1 Silver. That cost us 7 Gold and 1 Silver. You could do more in town, but at the moment, it is all I need and I want to go back.

Now, that we are back in the Old Mess Hall, we will attach the Grappling Hook to the Rope and throw it up, so we can grab the Bag that is on the Sealing. Let’s see what we can find.

POT2 – 4 – Potion of gain Health and SCT1 – 4 – Scroll of Melt Medal.

Now, the Potion of gain Helth says. Gain 15 Health Points (can exceed baseline level).
I will drink this Potion now, and gain 15 HP to our 10 HP even though, we could only gain up to 10 HP. With this Potion, it works.

Heading back to the Canteen and up

Let’s go back to the Canteen and see where we land.

We have a 6×2 Room with 2 Doors. and we rolled a 2 + 3 – Holding Cell – An iron-barred cell where prisoners are kept is in one corner, a broken chain on the floor. – Roll a D6 – 1-4 The Jailor is here. You must fight them. If you survive roll on ENP1 – Reinforced Doors (Rolled a 4 – They are open) and it is not unique.

We rolled a 6 so he is not in the Room.

Let’s roll on ENP1 – 1+2=3 – That can’t be good… – A sickly man is chained to a wall. He begs to be released and you do so, but he is crazed and attacks. Face a LABOURER with no loot.

So I rolled a 2+3 and with my 2 Shift Points, I hit him. Rolled a 5+1 he had 4 HP he is gone. But sadly no loot. Let’s head up north again.

Behind the Holding Cell

Moving on behind the Holding Cell, we rolled a 5×4 with 2 Doors. And we found: 2+1 – Blacksmith – There is an anvil on a block, a glowing furnace, and walls lined with worn tools. – There is someone here. You must fight the Blacksmith. If you survive roll on MIT1. – Wooden Doors – Closed – Unique Room.

Let me tell you a Story of a Young Adventurer coming across a Blacksmith. And with his Heavy Mace he tries to defeat the Blacksmith. And he misses 5 Times in a Row. The Blacksmith only has 6 Hitpoints. 3 of them the Blacksmith took out on himself by rolling a Double 1. We lost 6 HP in this Fight. And finaly in Round 6 we rolled enough to End this fight.

Here is what we get. 9 XP and we roll on MIT1 and PT1

MIT1 – 5 Handfull of Nails and PT1 6+4=10 There are some Zoumerous Leaves and two LQ gems. Roll twice on GMT1-2 – Rolled 2 Low Qualty Perls. Let’s grab these and the Pouch and put it in our Inventory.

I have to finish here, but I will come back and heading deeper into the Dungeon. Thanks for joining.

Here are all the Products I used for this Adventure. You can click on the Picture or the Button and it will bring you to the Products.

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