Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

The Solo Adventurer’s Toolkit – A Honest Review and Gameplay

Have you heard of the Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox before? These Books are an amazing Tool for your next Solo Roll Adventure.

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The Best way to play with this Toolbox is with a Level 1 Adventurer, which you can easily build over on I decided to randomize my Character a bit.

Race – 4 – Goliath

Class – 9 – Rogue

Gender – 2 – Male

His Name is – 15 + 16 – Castiel Johansson

3 d6 – 6+6+5 – Amber Eyes, White Hair and Than Skin

I am using my own E-Book, that I put together and selling over on DriveThruRPG. If you are interested, here is a Link. It would mean a lot to me.


I decided to give him those 4 Skills when building the Rogue.

After creating my Character, I went over to Canva and generated an AI Picture of a Goliath Rogue, that has the same look, and this is what it came up with:

And here are the Stats for our Goliath Rogue that we will use for our Adventure.

We start with 10 Gold Coins and 8 HP.

Together with this adventure, I would like to build up a Town, that I can use in other Adventures as well.

Let’s call it Eldora. You can write in the comments if you have an Idea for a Shop, Building, or Family I could Incorporate in this City.

I asked Canvas Picture Generator if he could draw us a City, and it came up with this.

Castiels House is right over there next to the Big Castle Structure before the River

Before we start our Adventure, I would like to tell you, the game plan and what Pages in the Books we are going to use. B1 or B2 refers to the Book, 1 or 2. P is referring to the Page Number. These are my favorite Tables to use in my Solo Games.

B1 – P14 – Weather

B1 – P36 – Quest Generation Table

B1 – P52 – Clue Table

B1 – P96 – Emotions Table for NPCs

B1 – P98 – NPC Generator

B1 – P105 – Urben Events

B1 – P118 – Level Monster Calculator

B1 – P149 – Urban Monster Generator

B2 – P50 – Story Points

B2 – P88 – Quick Random Citizens Table

B2 – P127 – Urban Encounters

B2 – P139 – Skill Challenges

B2 – P163 – Items Table

B2 – P167 – Keywords Table

B2 – P173 – Fate Rolls + Life Events

Every Morning we will roll for the Weather, then do a Fate Roll and use the Story Points to see, if something gets in our Way. I believe that is Everything we need to Prepare. So let’s just Roll with it.


After a long Day of Fighting yesterday, Castiel was sleeping in. After, waking up and eating some leftovers out of the Coolingstone, he decided to look out the Window for some Weather. It was

d4 – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter – 1 – Spring

B1 – P14 – Weather – d20 Spring – 11 – Clear Skies

Let’s Roll for a Life Event B2 P 173 – Fate Rolls & Life Events. d100 – 11 – Nothing happens

And let’s Roll a Story Point B2 P50 – d100 – 41 – Challenge You encounter an obstacle of some sort. Roll on Skill Challenge table (p139)

a clear sky – with a glass of Water in his hand, leaning against the Window, Castiel was looking out on the Windgate River thinking about his next move. Yesterday’s Quest gave him 10 Gold Coins. They would not work out for long. Time to get a bigger Job. Time to visit his Favorit Tavern and see, what Rumors are around.

Walking along the Streets of the Emerald Gardens, passing the High Spire District, he wanted to walk through the Grand Market, to get down to the Silver Docks, BUT,

37 – someone has erected a barrier here, to try and hamper the progress of anyone approaching. Make a DC 15+ tier Wisdom (Insight) check to try and discern who built this, and what their intentions might have been. (To clarify. In this Toolbox, you are basically working with Tiers. Level 1-4 PCs are Tier 1.) Our Insight is -1 not the Best – Let’s roll a d20 – Natural 19… Not bad. -1 is 18 So we did manage to beat the DC 15+1. There is more text. If successful, roll a d4. – 4 – An enemy erected this. Gain either an inspiration or 1 Clue Point.

Why don’t we grab a Clue Point, to show you these Tables as well? B1 P52 – 57 – Ball bearings or caltrops litter the floor in this area. Let’s work this into our Story somehow.

come across a barrier. Castiel was pretty sure, that this was not here, yesterday. That just looks like the Work of my Enemy.

B1 P98, NPC Generator. – Race – 63 – Human – 42 – Male – 91 – Chaotic Evil (Ha, that was not planned) – 22 – Commoner (Unemployed) 20 Years old, 47 – Single-Minded – 37 – Climbing the Ladder. 20 – Leoric Silva


I was thinking about doing a Roll for the Ball Bearings, if I saw them before stepping in them. But given that this was a Clue, I decided to say Yes. We saw them.

What did I say, there he was, throwing down Ball Bearings to make you stop in front of the Barrier. Not in the mood to face him this morning, I decided to take a U-Turn and walk in another direction to the Tavern.

OK, now it is Time to generate the Tavern.

B1 B84 Tavern – Name – 01 and 02 – The Gilded Eye.

And, what else, can we find at the Docks? Maybe a Dockmaster’s Office. Right? He needs to be somewhere and we need a Shipyard. How about the Sea Serpent Shipyard? I like that. Let me quickly put in the Names in Canva and post the Picture

Back to our “The Guilded Eye” Tavern: we roll 5 d10

7 – 6 Rooms are available

1 – Quality Atrocious

3 – Male dwarf Orbuc Greyfeet

9 – 4 Rumours

4 – Service is Civil

Let’s find out who runs this Place. – We know he is a Male dwarf. Let me go to B1 P98 to find out more about him.

Alignment – True Neutral

For the Age, you Roll a d100 and multiply it by 4 when you have a Dwarf, which we have. – So I rolled a 24 so he is 96 Years old.

65 + 69 – Disgusted and Rich

Ok. doesn’t he look nice?

Still a bit to early before anything fun would happend in the Guilded Tavern. Orbuc was sitting behind the Bar, eating something undefined.

“Castiel – looking for some trouble?”
“You know me to well, Orbuc.”

Seddeling down at the Bar facing him, he poured me my usual Beer, then moving back to his seat, eating.

“So, what are the latest Rumours. You need to help me out here.”
“Well, maybe I have somethings for you…”

When Generating a Tavern, you will get some Rumours. And you can Consult the Rumours Table in Book 1 P86 So why don’t we generate some Rumours?

Rolls d4 + d12 for the Place of the Rumours

1 1 – Person 73 – Jackard, Age 41, Female – Warforged – Pirate

2. 3 – Place 6 – In the nearest mountains.

3. 1 – Person 54 – Dreyor, Age 38, Female – Half-elf-Servant

4. 3 – Place 2 – Just outside the settlement

So, now, I like to ask some Random Words, to see, what the Rumour could be about. let’s head over to the Random Word Generator.

Rumor 1: 476 – Fluttering and – 208 – Target
Rumor 2: 328 – Code and 475 – Sundered
Rumor 3: 014 – Hide and 280 – Potential
Rumor 4: 455 – Floating- and 121 – Captive

I am actually interested, in what ChatGPD comes up with. Let’s see. – Ok, I’m Impressed. Here are our 4 Rumours we rolled up.

Rumor 1:

Whispers flutter through the taverns of a fearsome female warforged pirate who sails the seas with unmatched skill. It’s said her crew has been targeting merchant vessels with a deadly precision that no mere mortal could achieve. Some claim that she’s more than just a pirate—she’s searching for something, something precious she lost long ago. They say if you see a metallic figure fluttering in the moonlight, you’ve already become her next target.

Rumor 2:

In the nearest mountains lies a mysterious place where the very earth is sundered and cracked as if struck by a divine force. Legends speak of a secret code, hidden within the jagged rocks, that leads to an ancient treasure or perhaps a terrible power. But beware, those who seek the code often return broken, their minds sundered as the mountains themselves.

Rumor 3:

A humble female servant, quiet and unassuming, has been acting strangely. Some say she’s hiding something, a potential far greater than her station would suggest. She’s been seen speaking to herself in strange tongues, and objects around her seem to disappear without a trace. Could she be hiding from something—or someone? Or perhaps she’s hiding something powerful within herself, waiting for the right moment to reveal it.

Rumor 4:

Just outside the settlement, near the edge of the forest, there’s a place where the air feels different, almost… lighter. Locals tell tales of seeing strange, floating lights in the distance, and some swear they’ve seen figures, seemingly held captive, suspended in mid-air. The place is avoided by most, for those who venture too close often return in a daze, their memories of what they saw floating away like mist in the morning sun.


Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox helps you create amazing Adventures that are different every time you roll a Dice. I am interested if you already using the Toolbox for your own Roleplaying Adventures, or what your thoughts are. Let me know in the Comments. Also, I am interested in what Rumour you would pick. If I didn’t start already, I will take your Pick.

Part 2 will be linked here, as soon as we start the Adventure.

Here is a List of all the Products, I used to work out this Adventure:

Link to dndbeyond

And here are my Dice Tray and favorite Dice I used from Dice Goblin.

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