Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

The Edge of Survival – Solo Roleplay Story in Space – How much luck can we have?

I really wanted to play a Nice Game today. It’s Sunday, and the weather outside is just gross. But, I have actually absolutely no idea what to Play. So, I recently traveled to London and went to the Board Game Store Orcs Nest. Where I bought a few RPG Games. I think it is Time to test one.

Let me start with the Edge of Survival – from

I have no idea how this Game work, so why don’t we try it out together?

We need a Document – and a d100. Our crew leader named us Starlight.

The Game uses Lifelines – Calculation, Determination, Vitals, and Warmth – Each Lifeline starts at 90.


Next, we roll on the Background Table twice:

2 – You trained for each yearly triathlon in your hometown. You gain +5 to Vitals

8 – You have a background in engineering. You gain +5 to Calculation

So how does this game work? We Roll a d100 on the Problems table.

We need 10 successful Solution tests with at least one success from each Lifeline. We make a d100 roll of that chosen Lifeline. Success if it’s equal to or below the current value.

We can spend an additional 5 points from a Liefeline to flip the Dice Roll. We lose if 1 of our Liefelines hits 0.

So, there is a Game Rule, that I don’t quite sure of how it works. You need to check your Liefelines after each Orbit (Round) I think, you take away the Points from the Problem. But, I am actually not sure. So let’s just start and see where it leads us.

Orbit 0 – Gameplay

(Orbit 0) we have a problem.

Followed by

(Orbit 0) looking for a solution.

Orbit 1

(Orbit 1) we have a problem.

26 – (Calculation/Determination -5) You are able to communicate briefly with your crew onboard. You can opt to get words of encouragement, taking -5 to Calculation, or getting your current speed, taking -5 to Determination.

I have 95 to Calculation – So why don’t we just use this Stat.
82 – We rolled under 95 – We got some words of encouragement

(Orbit 1) looking for a solution. We hear the Voice of the crew leader Soyuz. “Starlight” You are doing great. We are working on a Solution up hear as we speak. Crew Members Nova and Vega are already working on a Plan to get you safley back on board.

The calculation is now on 90 and we had 1 Success

Orbit 2

(Orbit 2) we have a problem.

69 – (Warmth -1) Numbness tingles in the tips of your fingers and toes.

90 to Warmth – We rolled 15 – Definitely a Success.

(Orbit 2) looking for a solution. My fingers and toeas start to tingle. I try to move them around in the tiny spaces between me and my Space suit. They feel a bit less cold after a moment.

Warmth is no on 89 and we have 2 Success.

Orbit 3

(Orbit 3) we have a problem.

25 – (Determination -2) You hear a crewmate call your name over and over in desperation, but you are unable to respond in time.

Determination 90 – 80 – Close, but Success.

(Orbit 3) looking for a solution. cchhhhh Starlight cchhhhhh hear chhhhhh Nova chhhhhh. I try to scream back at her, but she does not hear me. Maybe I was to far of from the Radar so she could not get a clear reach for me. Nothing to worrie about. Right?

Determination is now on 88 and the 3rd Success. We only need the Vital Success now to have 1 of the Winning conditions going for us.

Orbit 4

(Orbit 4) we have a problem.

92 – (Warmth -1) The cold of space caresses you, like a cool breeze on an autumnal day just outside your window.

Warmth is on 89 – 71 – Success

(Orbit 4) looking for a solution. You feel the cold breeze of Space under your Suit. Hopefuly the Suit will keep the cold out a little bit longer.

Warmth is now on 88.

Orbit 5

(Orbit 5) we have a problem.

68 – (Warmth -1) Numbness tingles in the tips of your fingers and toes.

Warmth is on 88 – 28 – Success

(Orbit 5) looking for a solution. Because of the cold breeze, we feel our finger and toes again tingle. Moving them around again. Hope they find a solution fast.

Warmth is now on 87

Orbit 6

(Orbit 6) we have a problem.

99 – (Warmth -5) The coldness within your suit makes you wonder for a moment if the nothingness around you would be warmer or cooler than the frigid burn you currently feel.

Warmth is on 87 – 17 – Thank god. I see a Theme emerging here…

(Orbit 6) looking for a solution. The more I fly in the nothingness around me, the colder I get. I miss the warmth of the inside, I start imagine myself infront of a beautiful fireplace reading a book or just hanging around.

Warmth is now on 82

Orbit 7

(Orbit 7) we have a problem

80 – (Warmth -5) – (Player talking here… OH NO…) You instinctively start rubbing your arms to try and generate heat; the thickness of your suit numbs your own touch.

Warmth is on 82 – 10 – Phu. Lucky me.

(Orbit 7) looking for a solution. Rubbing my arms to try and generate heat, but the thickness of my suit numbs my own touch. I hope it will get warmer soon.

Warmth is now on 77 and we will get a new Text.

77 – You’re warm but uncomfortable. The heat from the umbilical has now stopped circulating.

Orbit 8

(Orbit 8) we have a problem.

40 – (Determination -1) You catch a glimpse of the ship, too far to see in any detail.

Determination is on 88 – 87 – Ooooh… That was too close…

(Orbit 8) looking for a solution. Ah, the ship. how much I would love to be up there now with my Crew. How long has it been at this Point. No Idea.

Determination is now on 87

Orbit 9

(Orbit 9) we have a problem.

46 (Calculation/Vitals -5) A large asteroid hurtles toward you. You can choose to move out of its path, taking -5 to Calculation, or take the brunt of the hit and stay on course, taking -5 to Vitals.

We need the Vitals. 95 at the Moment. – 31 – Thank you

(Orbit 9) looking for a solution. The Asteroid is comming at us fast. I decid to take the brunt of the hin and stay of course. Gladly nothing much happens and the Asteroid moves away.

Vitals are now at 90. And we only need 1 more Success to End the Game.

Orbit 10

(Orbit 10) we have a problem.

77 – (Determination -2) The sight of your own vitals depleting leaves you with a draining sense of despair that your death may be inevitable.

Determination is at 87 – 42 – Yes. the last Success.

(Orbit 10) looking for a solution. Looking at the Stats of my Vitals I fear, that the Success of this Mission on recovery will not work out for me. By the time I look back up, I see the Ship coming closer. A Breeze must have cought me and brought me closer. Close enough to get me back on the Ship Safely.

The determination is at 85.


Ok. I really liked this Game. I think I never rolled that great in any game. Gladly the Problem Rolls were mostly in the higher grounds and the Safes were always lower. It’s a fast and easy Roleplaying Game where you can use this to write out your own Solutions as much as you want. You can write entire Journal Spreads with it or just keep track of your Roles. Whatever you prefer. The Game is here to provide. I will link the Product down for you to Check out and I will also link the Dice that I was using down below. They worked wonders for this Game…

You can find your own copy of The Edge of Survival over on the StickyHunter Website

Find these Dice over on the Dice Goblin Website. They did me really well in this and other Games…

And here is my favorite Dice Tray also from the Dice Goblin Website

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Please note that I am not the seller of this product and cannot be held liable for any issues or problems related to it. If you encounter any problems with the product, you must contact the seller directly.Hi there! It is my goal to be completely transparent with you both here and within our community, and so I want to let you know that certain products and links to these products on this site are affiliate links. What are affiliate links? Essentially, when you click on one of those links and make a purchase, I will earn a small commission at absolutely no extra cost to you.

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2 responses to “The Edge of Survival – Solo Roleplay Story in Space – How much luck can we have?”

  1. Henrique Avatar

    Thanks for the playthrough. This is my first solo journaling RPG and I was having some trouble understanding the problem-solution concept. Reading through this really helped me. I got it today from Orc’s Nest too 😊

    1. Jen Avatar

      so glad to hear this. thanks for your comment. enjoy the game! 😁