Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

The Adventure Crafter Deck – 100 Cards for your next Story

My Adventure Crafter Deck just arrived. 100 Cards for the Adventure Crafter. As you might saw, I LOVE the Adventure Crafter. So let’s try out our new Deck of Cards.

First, you have the 5 Cards for the Theme – you mix them and put them in Order. The Higher the Theme is the more you will get it. So for my Test, I would love to get a Mystery with 6 Scenes in 3 Acts. So I will take the Mystery in the First Place and shuffle the Rest. Here is my Draw.

Ok. The only thing I have for my Story is Inspector Michaels. So let’s see what Mystery will unveil.

So First, we need 5 Plot Points for the First Scene.

You Take The First Card and Use the Theme Number on Top for the Next Card.

2 – Social – Preparation – This Turning Point involves a Character needing to prepare for something.

2 – Social – Preparation – This TP involves a Cha needing to prepare for something Cha – New – The Cha is an Individual – Exotic – Heroic – Raul – Captain’s assistant
Meta – Cha Upgrade – A Character becomes
more important, gaining 2 slots on the Characters List
even if it pushes them past 3 slots.
Cha – New Cha becomes Logical – Raul
3 – Tension – Travel Setting – This Turning Point takes place in a traveling vehicle.
1 – Mystery – The Plot Thickens – A promising lead or clue to solving an open question turns out to be a dead end.
1 – Mystery – Evidence – A Character finds something that helps settle an existing question.Cha – Logical – Inspector Michaels

Here is my Idea – Inspector Chris Michaels is on a Cruise Ship when a Murder takes Place. The Captain’s assistant wants to help Chris with the Case. His Name is Raul from the Philipines. He hopes to get a Raise when helping or finding the Murder. Chris is in Cabine 743 – Where the Victim Mr. Bens is on the Floor. Knowing from Raul the Victim was a Single Traveler who was with them for the last 4 Months. Chris looks around and finds a broken glass shard on the Floor under the Bed. But nothing is broken in the Room. Chris asks Raul to also watch around the Room. After a quick look, he sees that there is a Towel missing in the Bathroom. There should be 4 but there are only 3. The middle one is missing. After looking in the Minibar they find the missing Towel. No Idea, why it was there but nothing is in it.

Scene 2

Now, let’s generate some more Plot Points.

4 – Personal – Conclusion – If this TP is currently a Plotline Development, then it becomes a Plotline Conclusion. – Chose logical Plotline
2 – Social – Preperation – This TP involves a Cha needing to prepare for something. Cha – New Character – Cha is an individual – Servant – Artist – Rough
2 – Social – A Rare or unique social gathering – This is a social gathering for a specific and rare purpose.
4 – Personal – A Cha is Incapacitated – A Cha is rendered out of commission for some reason – Cha – Logical Cha
5 – Action – Travel Setting – This TP takes place in a traveling vehicle.

So the Captain of the Ship invited Chris and his Wife, Ally to sit with him at the captain’s Dinner Table. The Captain asks him what he had already found out. He tells him, that they found a Towel in the Fridge, but this had nothing to do with the Case. He most likely just put it in there to put on his Head the next morning. His Cabin Stewart saw that almost every Day in his Room.

While the Captain’s Dinner they had a Waiter serving their food. Most of them, put on a show but the Waiter on the Captain’s Table was quite Rude actually. He threw the Plates in front of them and almost spilled Red Wine on Allys Cloth. Chris was not the only one, who saw this. Also, Raul, who was sitting next to the Captain did spot this. He made some notes inside his Ledger and shook his head.

Scene 3

I have some Ideas for this Story as we head into Act 2. Let’s see if the Cards are seeing these Ideas as well, or if they have something different up their sleeves.

3 – Tension – At Night – This TP takes place at night.
1 – Mystery – Mystery Solved – A Mystery is solved. This can be a large, unanswered question in the Adventure or something minor.
1 – Mystery – None
1 – Mystery – The Secret to the Power – There is a power, and it has a secret source.
2 – Social – Injustice – This TP involves a social injustice of some kind.

Chris can’t sleep and he decides to go back into the Victims Cabin. He decides to look for hidden Compartments where the Victim could have stored some Items. He uses the Flashlight on the Phone. Looking around he gets a reflection behind the Bedside table and ducks behind the Bed as the Door opens on the other side.

He stopped the Flashlight just fast enough, that the intruder did not see it. The Light in the Cabin goes on and Chris just moves under the Bed before the Guy can see him. Chris gets a great view of the Shoes. These are expensive Sneakers. So it should be someone who has a lot of money.

Seconds before the Shoes stay still before him and he sees a Hand coming down the Door opens again. And a second Person comes in. Cris hears them talking in Spanish. After a long discussion, they both leave and Chris decides to leave the Cabin as soon as possible. He did recognize 1 of the Voices.

Scene 4

We have the Halfpoint mark.. Let’s grab some Cards.

1 – Mystery – The Secret to the Power – There is a power, and it has a secret source.
2 – Social – Conclusion – If this TP is in Development, then it becomes a Conclusion. Logical PL – Rude Waiter on Captains Table
2 – Social – Token Response – A Cha or organization acting in this TP does the bare minimum to address a problem or make just a token effort as opposed to doing something truly effective.Cha 9 – Intruders in Cabin
1 – Mystery – None
2 – Social – Injustice – This TP involves a social injustice of some king.

Chris asks Raul to speak with the Captain. Chris is brought up to the Bridge of the Ship, where Captain Rogers awaits him. Telling him what happened during the Night, Chris decides to come clean. He tells him and Raul, that he knows, it was him in the Cabin. Raul tells them that it is true and he did find Semi, the Waiter in the Cabin looking for something.

They grab the Waiter and get him onto the Bridge as well. He admits, to being inside the Cabin, still wearing the Sneakers, but he had nothing to do with the murder. He knew, that there was a Memory Stick hidden somewhere in the Cabin that had some great pictures on it. Pictures that helped the Victim get some great money for his travels. But he did not find the Card.

The Captain is disappointed and he decides to Fire the Waiter. He tells Raul to put Semi in a Cabin and close the Door behind him. Today was a Day at sea, so he would leave the next day.

Scene 5

Let’s move into the 2 last Scenes and bring the Story to a close.

META – Character steps up – A Cha becomes more important, gaining another slot on the List. Cha – Logical – Semi – Waiter
1 – Mystery – Someone is where they should not be – A Cha is at a location where they should not normally beCha – Logical – Semi – Waiter
3 – Tension – Into the unknown – This TP involves Cha entering a situation with unknown factors. Cha – Logical – Chris
META – Character downgrade – A Cha becomes less important, remove them from two slots on the Cha ListCha – Logical – Intruders in Cabin – We know who they are.
2 – Social – None

Chris decides to go back to the Cabin with the Blessing of the Captain. He finds the Memory Card behind the Bed where he saw the reflection yesterday. He uses the Laptop of Raul to look through the Memory Card. As it looks like the Victim had some Hot Pictures of People in bad Scenes and Places where they should not be. Blackmail would be quite the obvious reason.

While looking through the Pictures, Chris finds a picture, where he believes he knows the Person in the Picture. It took him a moment before he realized that it was Semi – The Waiter. He takes the Laptop and heads to the Captain with Raul. They go to the Cabin with Semi in it, but he is no longer inside.

The Captain orders his crew to start searching and Chris starts searching in the Staff Quarters with Raul. He helps him find his way around the Labyrinth of Corridors in the Belly of the Ship.

Scene 6

Let’s wrap this up – Shall we?

2 – Social – None
2 – Social – Innocent – This TP involves an element of innocence, usually an innocent person in an otherwise less-than-innocent situation.
1 – Mystery – Secret Information is leaked – Information that should not have gotten into the wrong hands has.
3 – Tension – Conclusion – Plotline becomes a Conclusion
4 – Social – A celebration – This PP involves a celebration of some sort.

I like the Way the Cards came out – I think we can add this to the Story in this Order.

It took them almost the whole Day, but, finally, they found Semi behind a Boiler in a Room. They arrest him and Chris is going to tell him, that he has evidence, that the Victim had some Pictures of him in a bad Situation with a Weapon in his Hand.

Semi tells him, that this picture was an absolute Joke. It was Halloween and went to a Party in this Outfit. Bad lighting gives the impression, that he made an attack. Semi was going to Talk to the Victim, and that he would take his blackmail back. But, he declined. One thing led to another and with a Bottle to his head, he died. He just wanted him to stop. That was why he was trying to get fired.

The Captain gives a Party in Honor of Chris but does not tell why, so no one on the Ship will be scared.


If you like to be surprised while writing a Story, or working on a Solo Roleplaying Adventure, these Cards are an absolute Hit. They are well made and work just perfectly. Do you have the Cards, or do you use the Adventure Crafter Workbook for your Story? Let me know in the Comments and I hope to hear from you soon.

Find your own Card Deck for your next Adventure – The Adventure Crafter Deck over on:

Or, if you like to Roll Dice – You can find the same Prompts on the Adventure Crafter Corebook – also available on

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