Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

Part 2 – Mythic – Adventure Crafter in a Modern Setting

I am currently reading through Mythics Adventure Crafter and trying to use the Prompts for a Modern Setting.

You can find the First Blog here where we started to create the story around Sam and the Jasper Diamond. In the First Part, Sam had some bad luck so I would like to move forward with the missing Diamond.

Let me grab my Gear and let’s GO!!

These are the Stats for Samantha Walker my Level 1 Rogue.

As mentioned in the previous post, I started wrong on my first Try. I did not know, that you were supposed to Add the Characters and Plotlines more than once but max 3 Times. So I went and added some of the Storylines in. This is our current List:

This is my Themes List and I would say, let’s see what we see heading into Act 2.

Scene 7

Red – 75 – Tension – A need to Hide

Yellow – 60 – Action – Sole Survivor

Green – 19 – Tension – None

Blue – 74 – Personal – Preparation

White – 25 – Personal – Persuasion

A need to Hide – A Cha must hide from something or someone in this TP.Cha 60 – Logical – David
Sole Survivor – This TP involves some kind of process of elimination where there is only one left. Cha 33 – Sam
NoneCha – Sam
Preparation – This TP involves a Cha needing to prepare for something. Cha 97 – New Cha – Kathleen Roberts – Rogers Friend
Persuasion – A Cha tries to persuade another Cha to do something. Cha + Cha 73 – Logical + 78 – Logical – Kathleen – Roger

So first, let’s create a new Character

Special Trait – 22 – The Cha is an Individual
Identity – 04 – Roll for two – 78 – Scout + 52 – Socialite
Description – 75 – Frightened

1d4 odds are female, even male: 1 – Female – Her Name is 66 – Kathleen Roberts – Kathleen needs to prepare for something. I like to include her in the Story but as a friend of one of them. So let’s roll a d4. 1=Sam, 2=Roger, 3=David, 4 Roll Again… 2 – She is Rogers Friend

So, here is my Idea. Our 3 have to move quickly. Roger has a series of Tunnels underneath his House, that would leave them a bit outside of the Area so if someone was watching the entrance or the Police were still near, they would not see them. Roger leaves them north and they emerge from an open hole near a Building.

They then go inside the Building and Roger rings on one of the Apartment Doors. A woman opens the Door. She leads them inside while going back to her table and working on a Build. With all the Cables this could look like a Bomb. Roger fills her in quickly which she does not like at all what he is telling her. Kat has a bad History with the Strider Gang especially with one of them. When asked what she was doing, Roger answered. Kat is helping him find the Diamond. Sam is a bit upset, that there is now only 1/4 left of the Diamond if they have to split it equally. But still, it is better than none. So, they come up with a Plan. Kat and Roger will go to the School in their Neighborhood. The Diamond was last seen there. David needs to go to the Library so he can find out more about the City and its structure. And while they need to Hide from the Police. and Sam needs to stay inside, so she will not be found by the Police. She needs to go to the Dark Web and see if she can find out more about the Diamond.

Scene 8

Red – 73 – Action – Theft

Yellow – 72 – o=Mystery or e=Social – 9 – Mystery – Secret to Power

Green – 06 – Personal – Conclusion

Blue – 55 – Tension – Lose-Lose

White – 20 – Tension – None

Lose Lose – This TP involves a choice where both or all options are bad in some way
Secret to Power – There is a power, and it has a secret source.
Conclusion – becomes a Plotline Conclusion. Incorporate anything necessary into this TP to end this Plotline New Character Automaticly.
Lose Lose – This TP involves a choice where both or all options ar bad in some way

05 – What happened to the Gangster…

Ok, interesting. So, we know, that the Strider Gang has something to do with the Gangster in the Alleyway and we know that Kat was involved with the Strider Gang.

While Sam is in the Dark-Web there is a noise behind her. The Door is kicked in and Masked Guys are running inside. Sam holds up her Hands. One of the Guys, the leader, as it looks like goes to her and mentions, that they knew she would be here sooner or later. When asked how they knew, he just says that they have their ways. While talking to Sam, the other guys are looking through Kats’s stuff and take whatever they want. The Guy asks her if she knows, that the Guy in the Alleyway is now dead and that she has to pay for the loss. So she has 2 options. Eather moves forward, steals the Diamond, and gives them to him or they find Sam and then it is Lights out. And no worry, they find Sam everywhere. Before they leave, they knock Sam over from behind. She did not see it coming.

She wakes up when someone is over her. Roger is trying to get her back up. Kat is worried, and Sam tells her that they knew we were here. If there is anything in this Room still from her Strider-Gang Days. Kat takes out a Pyramid from the shelf and when she breaks it on the floor a little camera emerges. That’s how they knew. Sam’s Head and her Arm hurt so bad, but she does not say anything about the Deal she just took.

So, I finished Plotline 05 – What Happened to the Gangster and instead wrote. Steal the Diamond and give it to the Gang. I also included the Strider-Gang again on the Character List.

Scene 9

Red – 32 – Action – Catastrophe

Yellow – 45 – Personal – Home Sweet Home

Green – 90 – Mystery/Social – odd = Mystery – Fraud

Blue – 08 – Action – Conclusion

White – 28 – Tension – Impending Doom

Catastrophe – Just about the worst thing that can happen does happen, and it happens spectacularly and with much action.
Home sweet Home – This TP takes place in the private home of a Cha. Home Sweet Home – This TP takes place in the private home of a Cha. 63 – logical
Fraud – A Cha is a fraud. Whatever it is they are presenting themselves as, or whatever story they have told of themselves, is false. Cha – 71 – logical
Conclusion – TP end here and remove from List. TP – 5 – Steal and give to gang
Impending Doom – Something terrible is going to happen, and it is approaching.

After not being safe in Kat’s apartment, they decide to go back Home to Sam. Not the Best move, but at least they should be fairly safe over there. Roger, who does know the Tunnel System underneath the City, helps them move quickly.

Sam has a noisy Neighbor on the other side of the Street. Let’s use the Stats and make a group Stealth Check. Sam has a +8 because of her Rouge Stats. So let’s say, the other ones have + 2 – Sam: 14+8 = 22, Roger: Nat 20+2 = 22 David: 15+2=17, and Kat 19+2=21. Wow, I really rolled well for them, so they managed to get inside Sam’s apartment without being noticed.

Inside, Sam gets cold feet. She tells them about the Deal she had to take to save all of them. They decide to play along, but they will get nothing. After a long discussion, they decide to be more careful and that they need to have one eye open at any time. That was the exact moment when the Balcony Glass shattered and a black orb arrived in Sams’s Living Room. They managed to leave the building before the small detonation caught Fire to all of Sam’s stuff. Hopefully, there was no one else hurt, but they could not wait for the Police and Firemen to arrive. They left in the hope, no one would see them. Or was there someone?

So, I closed the 2nd Plotline – Steal, and gave it to Strider Gang and changed it with – Did someone see them leave the Apt. Meaning if the noisy Neighbor saw them.

Scene 10

Red – 53 – Action – Mass Battle

Yellow – 24 – Personal – None

Green – 93 – Action – Crescendo

Blue – 35 – Action – Hunted

White – 38 – Personal – Humiliation

Mass Battle – This TP involves combat between many combatants.
Crescendo – A series of events that have taken place in this Adv. culminates in this TP. 19 – Secret
28 – Find sm in Darkweb
12 – Framed – Police on her Case
04 – Find Jasper Diamond
34 – Find sm in School
Hunted – A Cha is being hunted by someone or something that is not strictly legitimate. Cha – 25 – Strider Gang
Humiliation – This TP involves a Cha being humiliated or facing humiliation. Whatever is happening, it should be something deeply embarrassing to the ChaCha – 22 – David

Ok, that definitely looks like the big Climax of the Story to me.

The 4 decide to take cover in the woods. David and Kat take the first Shift, while Sam and Roger sleep. David and Kat are talking about their weird life at the moment, while David tells her, that he has feelings for someone. Kat does not realize, that he meant her and laughs about it. David gets so humiliated. They change and Sam and Roger are looking out. While sitting there, they are talking about what they found in the Dark Web and the School they went to. They manage to put two and two together and find out that the Diamond has to be inside the schoolyard.

Before they can get to the School, 4 of the Strider-Gang are already there and tried to work through the Yard. But how did they manage to be there befor them? They here the Leader say, that it was a great Idea to chip the Girl, so they could hear anything. The Leader then tries to stopp them. The 2 Gangs are starting a Battle.

For a fast Fight. Let’s roll 4d20 twice and see, what is happening.

19+5+4+2 for the Strider Gang

20+5+4+2 wow I managed to roll almost the same Numbers on this, but our Friends had a Nat 20 so, they will win. They manage to send Evidence of the Gang that Sam found on the Dark Web and send that anonymous to the Police. Framing them instead.

And in the End, they actually manage to find a Chest under a Tree and they actually do find the missing Jasper Diamond.

They need to find a way to remove the Chip and an Idea, how to sell the Diamond. They are sure, they will find a Way inside the Dark Web.


Please let me know in the Comments if you like this Style of Gameplay and if you have any Ideas for Future Adventures. Hope you have a great Day.

Here you can find a List of Products, I used for this Adventure.

Try out the Adventure Crafter by Tara Pigeon over on DriveThruRPG –

I used Table Fables 1 and 2 by Madeline Hale for the Creation of Characters or Items.

Table Fables Madeline Hale
Rainbow Dice

Aren’t these Dice beautiful? They look amazing. I bought them over on Amazon

If you are looking for a beautiful Dice Tray, I have mine from Dice Goblin. The Quality is amazing.

Dice Goblin Tray

I love this Book of Random Tables by Matt Davids – For this Adventure,/ I used the Modern Tables. Here is the Link to DriveThruRPG

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