I bought the Deck of Many Things from Dungeon & Dragons. For today’s Session and for getting to know the System I gave it a try.
Let’s find out, what the Deck has to offer.
First, we look at the Adventure Spreads. After a Shuffle I got this Spread:
The First Card is the Party Gathers.
The Fool Upside Down:
Situation: A guileless person being manipulated by schemers.
Then we have the Adventures begin: with the SHIELD Upside Down:
Situation: A situation arising from someone selfishly protecting themself without heed to others.
Last for the Beginning is the Journey Card: PIT Right Side Up.
The Pit card represents a literal fall – losing status, wealth, or position.
Given our Character’s background, her family was wealthy and powerful and I think the Cards that I drew are telling the Story pretty obvious.
Here is what we are starting with:
Sadly this was all my fault! Everything was my fault. Not that I would ever tell that to anyone. We could have had a Happy Ending, had I not insisted on getting those Sorcerer Powers for my Birthday. My Parents were searching month for a Sorcerer who would give me my Powers. When he agreed to give them to me, he told me that great powers come with a great price.
Yes, yes, I know. A Saying as Old as Time.
My Parents were fascinated by Vallant and his powers and my Father kept him as his right Hand Man in our Castle. Our Kingdom Apriwen was not the same anymore.
Not long after that, my Father believed everything Vallant told him. He did not make any Steps without consulting Vallant first.
Vallant had an easy game, forcing my father down the throne. I was the only one with Magical Powers in my family – Powers I got from our now enemy. I was trying to shoot a Ray of Frost at him, but I quickly learned, that my spells would have no power against him. So my father asked me to protect our Family and go away to find a solution to our problem.
Now I was almost outside the neighboring Kingdom of Itamore. Only a day’s Travel and I hoped to get some help here. Where to start then the local Tavern.
Let’s roll a Tavern
I’m using the Solo Adventures Toolbox – Tavern Generator Table.
Name of the Tavern:
20 + 18 d20 – The Knight’s Scoundrel
2 – 1 Room available
5 – Average Quality
10 – Innkeeper Female halfling named Ziun – Age 34
5 – 2 Rumours
10 – Customer service: Treated like a monarch!
After Entering the Tavern and looking around, I saw a young Halfling Woman standing behind the Bar and filling up numerous Glasses with different Liquours. With a warm smile, she looked at me and showed me a seat at the bar. “Sit down, you look exhausted. What can I get you?” “Just some Water, thank you.” I drank it in one go and without asking she gave me another one. “Do you need help? You don’t look good.” “it was a looong day. Do you have a Room available?
I’m going to use the Mythic Chart for this.
We know that the Tavern has 1 Room – let’s see if it is empty. For easy Gameplay I am using the Middle Fate Chart and let’s say it is Very Likely that the room is free so we have 15 – 75 – 96 and we rolled a: 60 – So…
“Yes, I have a room for you. 2 Gold per Night, but you can have a free breakfast in the morning.” I didn’t even think about it, reached into my pocket, and grabbed 2 Gold out of it.
I finished my 3rd Water, grabbed the Key to my Room for the Night, and left.
Before we start the next day, I think it is time to see the next Card in our Adventure: The First Card is the Party Gathers. The WARRIOR: Person: A person (barbarian, fighter, or monk) who has trained in combat or served in the military. Weather – Lightning and thunder. I would like to Roll on the Adventures Toolkit – Story Points and Fate Roll Tables – Just to see if something unexpected happens. Fate Roll: 45 – Nothing happens. Story Points: 60 – Insight – You discover something, a clue or insight of some sort. Gain a (d6) 4 – Clue Clue Table: 74 – A cauldron sits in the corner. OK – There is a lot to cover in the Morning. Good Night, Mia…