I wanted to show you the latest Products I bought from Amazon. These are the Products I took with me on Holiday. and do a Review. I will try them out and we will create a story with them.
I created a Game out of this Gameplay. Try to survive the Planet Arcadia. Find your copy for $1.99 on drivethrurpg.
Here is a List of all the Products we will cover in this Blog. You can click on the Links here or the Pictures and Buttons below the Reviews if you wish to get your own.
- Card Deck Box with Dice Rolling Tray
- Platinum, Gold, Silver and Copper Coins in a Leather Bag
- Bescon’s Terrain, Dungeon, and Treasure Dice Set
- Kotkiddy Mini Dice
- Rorys Story Cubes Astro
- Dice Set Abeillo
Card Deck Box with Dice Rolling Tray
Click on the button below or the Pictures above to find the Link to this Product
The Cover of the Box you can Take away and fold it as a Dice Tray. I wish the Magnets would be a bit stronger, but all in all a great Box to take away with you for your next Holidays.
Inside the Box, you have 3 Baskets. 2 bigger and 1 small. As you might see in the Picture, I grabbed the Monster Cards, Dice, Healing Potions, and Coins with me on my Holiday. And we are going to roll up an Adventure with them.
All in all a great quality and you can choose from a lot of different colors.
Platinum, Gold, Silver and Copper Coins in a Leather Bag
Here is the Link to the Coins
In this amazing Dragon Leather Bag, you will find 60 Gold Coins 30 Copper and Silver Pieces each, and 5 Platinum. As written in the Amazon Post, they used the following Material for the Coins.
DND coins are made of new metal material, which is not easy to rust and does not peel off easily like powder.
I absolutely love to use these Coins for my Gameplay. And I feel like the Coins are a Great Update for my Gameplay.
Bescon’s Terrain, Dungeon, and Treasure Dice Set
Do you sometimes have Trouble coming up with a Treasure on the Spot? Or would you like to roll for your next Terrain or Roll up a Dungeon? Here is a great option for you.
In this set you will get the Yellow – Random Treasure Die, the Green Random Wilderness Terrain Die, and the Red and Blue Dungeon Terrain and Feature Die. Great for my Collection.
Kotkiddy Mini Dice
Were you in desperate need of a d20 when at work to roll and see how long you will need to stay there? Store the Dice safely in this Storage Box and put it on a Key Chain or your Dice Bag. And you have your Dice everywhere you go. The Material is set to be Antique Copper and the Dice have a nice strong feel to them. Absolutely love this Product.
Rorys Story Cubes Astro
There are many Versions of the Rorys Story Cubes you can get. There are 9 Dice in each and every version of the Set with unique Pictures on them.
I took the Astro Dice with me on Holiday, because they have a few Monsters on them that I can roll up. Also if you are not Playing Roleplaying Games the Story Cubes are great to come up with your own Story or let your Kids, Nieces/Nephews, or Grandkids roll up an epic Story.
Check out all the other Versions they have on Amazon as well. There is even a Harry Potter and Star Wars Version as well.
Dice Set Abeillo
Ok, now for the Dice. I was holding Back to the end with them. Because here is the Deal. They were quite cheap on Amazon and they work just fine and have a great design…
But. My set had a bit of a Problem. I received 2 d20 but I was missing a d12. So they are not really useful if you want to use them in a set.
So for this, I would actually show you the Dice that I have from the Dice Goblin. They have amazing Quality Dice and Shipping went unbelievably fast. They have also an amazing Dice Tray in different Colors on their Site. Go check them out. For the Adventure down below, I will actually use the White Dice that I took with me on Holiday.
Great, now for an actual Gameplay. Let’s see…
I started by creating a Human Ranger over on dndbeyond. Let me introduce you to Samuel “Sam” Willis – Space Ranger. I thought about the Space Theme because we have the Astro Dice. He starts with 12 HP, 10 Gold Coins, and an AC of 14.
Now, let’s see what our story could be…
Sam Willis a Space Ranger from Heart was sent to the Planet Arcadia to see, if it could be Planet to live on. He was told to look out for the Valuable Golden Eggs worth 2 Gold coins each, that may lie around. With his Device he can scan them, they will disappear to his Ship and he will get 2 Gold Coins automatically. After he left his Spaceship, he was moving carefully through the Desert.
I grabbed one of the Story Dice. There is an NPC, a Monster, a Natural Monster, an Alien, an Egg, or a Skill Challenge. I will also use the green Terrain Dice and The Blue Feature Die.
So we rolled a Mountain, Stairs, and a Mushroom. The Myconid Sprout will be our first monster to fight. I was using my Monster Cards and grabbed the first Plant Monster.
After walking through the Desert I came across some Mountains and I found an Entrance with some Stairs. After Touching the Stair with my Foot a Sprout Reach out and attacked me.
Let’s roll our first Initiative. Sam has a +3 to his + 2. Wow, a 5. Great Start of the Game.
The Sprout has 16+0. He will start and he Rolled a 6+1 = 7 so nowhere near my AC of 14.
I will use my Short sword for the Attack. 9+5=14 His AC is 10. We roll a d6+3 – 2+3 = 5 HP less. He has 2 left.
9+1 = 10. No hit for the Myconid Sprout. He has 2 HP left. I only rolled a 3+5. So only 8. Did not catch her.
15+1 = 16. That is a Hit. 1 bludgeoning + 2 Poison Damage. – I rolled an 11+5=16. 1d6+3 – 1+3=4 and she is gone. Give us 10XP and let’s roll a Treasure Die to see what we will get. A Ring – so we will get an Art Object for worth let’s say d6 Gold coin. Of course 1 Gold Coin – A small, marble statue of a wizard. The statue is about 2′ tall. –
I took out my Comunicator to Log everything in. “Finally, I finished this anoying Sprout. I decided to walk up the Stairs and found a little cave. with a small, marble statue of a wizard. It’s about 2 Feet tall. And is mine now… Which let me to believe, that this Planet is already been lived on.”
Great, I decided, that it would be 1 Day for each Hex, that we will play on. So let’s go to sleep and go to the next Day.
Day 2
Let’s head over to the West. We find a Swamp, Table & Chest, and another Plant. So here is the Problem. The Blue Dice is mainly to fill up a Dungeon Room. So that is why a Table & Chast is not that easy to fill up in here. But, I have an Idea, of how we could work this into our Story.
After walking along through the Mountains, heading west, I arrived in a Swampy Area. Shortly after I saw a frightend man standing on top of a Table trying to fight a Shrieker. But he did not have any weapon and was loosing the Fight. I ran over and started to attack the Plantlike creature.
And Let’s roll some Initiative… 6+3 = 9 – The Shrieker has a Dex of -5 and rolled a 2 so -3. He has an AC of 5 and 13 HP.
Wow, I rolled a Nat 1. So +3 I actually miss… (I just read the Shrieker Card and it does not really have an Attack so let’s give him the same attack from the Sprout before. 5+1 = 6 – He misses
16+5=21 – We definitely hit. d6+3 so 5+3 is 8. He has 5 HP left. / 17+1=18. He hits as well. 1 bludgeoning and 2 poison
5+5=10 AC of 5 we hit 4+3=7 and he is gone – Giving us 10 XP and a Treasure Roll. I rolled a Coin. So let’s say the Shrieker when defeated shrank and shrank until he was just a little Bean and then exploded to turn into a d4 Gold Coin. 1 Gold Coin.
“Thank you for helping me.” The Man jumped down form his Table. He was a Merchant.
“I thought, this Planet was deserted, but It does not look like this.”
“Oh no. Not deserted, but many are gone now. Not much left. Money is rare these days.”
“Wait, let me buy something. Or let me trade you something. How about I give you a Great Sword for a Potion of Healing.”
He was thinking about this Deal. “I could use the Sword for fighting. OK. You have a Deal.” A crooked hand was reaching out from under his cloack. I took out my Sword and he gave me a Potion of Healing.
I would like to Level him up a bit faster. So why don’t we say, that for every Day he will survive on this Planet, he will get 50 XP? So I will give him 100 XP now. Otherwise, we will get nowhere with the Levels… And we will end this Day and move on to the next.
Day 3
I want to travel to the East. Let’s roll and see what we can find over there.
Broken Mountains, Floor Door, and a Skill Challenge.
I took out the Comunicator. “Broken Mountains everywhere. I decided to walk through them this Time and on top I came across a Floor Door. I want to try to jump down and see what is behind the Door in the Floor.
Why don’t we say, an Athletics Check and we have to get a DC of 15 to not lose 1 d4 HP and instead grab a Treasure?
18+3 = 21. We got the Challenge. Let’s Roll the Treasure Dice. A Wonderous Item
I went to a Website that has a d100 List of Wonderous Items. I rolled a 21 and we found a Cloak of Resistance. We now have a +1 to our AC and are now on 15. I like that.
Nothing much happend today. I decided to stay in that Room, where I found the Cloak and sleep.
Day 4
Before we roll for today. I decided on an end goal. I changed the Planet and we have 3 Hex left to explore, after that, we will be back at our Spaceship.
We rolled a Castle/Ruin a Well and another Nature Monster.
“Day 4, I arrived at a Ruin with Ranks all over the Place.” In the Middle of the Ruin was standing a Well. It had a plate on it.
Throw in a Gold Coin and get a Surprise
“Hm, should I?” I took out the Comunicator. “Throwing down a Gold Coin into a Wishing Well.
So for this, I think we will roll the Treasure Dice. And I rolled another Wonderous Item. d100 – 32 – Hat of Disguise.
Infront of me the well was starting to Bubble and out of nowhere a Hat came out. It was a Hat of Disguise as shown on the Hat. Well, that was a great well. But, not so great, then when I turned arround a Twig Blight was standing infront of me and was ready for a fight.
Ready for some Initiative.
Sam has 15+3 = 18 – The Twig has a 8+1=9
We are starting with a Swing with our Great Sword. 10+5=15 He has an AC of 13. We hit him for d6+3 3+3=6 – He has 5 HP left. / 5+3 for his Claws will miss us with an 8.
3+5=8 – We miss as well. / 8+3=11 – He misses too.
15+5=20 – We Hit. d6 – 6+3=9. He had 5 Left. And he is gone. Giving us 25XP plus a Treasure. d20 Worth 4 GC
Day 5
I rolled a Town, Trapdoor, and an Egg – Worth 2 GC
“Day 5 – I came across an abandoned Town. From far away I saw one of the golden Eggs glissening in the Sun.
Let’s do a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to see, if we saw the Trap Door, or else, we will lose a d12 HP
16+2=18. Nothing happens
What I almoust did not see was the Trap Door next to it. But luckely I was fast enogh not to fall inside.
Day 6
Last Day. I already can see my Spaceship from this Point.
We rolled a Forest, a Table and Chest, and an Egg. I grabbed the 2 Coins from the Egg and I rolled for the Treasure Chest and found an Armour. A Shield.
And thanks to this Shield our AC is 17 at the moment and we will finish this Game with 14 Gold coins. And thanks to the 50XP per Day. We are now on Level 2. I decided to Get Hunters Mark and Cure Wounds as my Spells. And I have now an HP of 20. Maybe I come back to Sam in a future Adventure.
I made a Game out of the Adventure. Can you survive the Planet Arcadia?
Grab a Level 1 Character and start this Short Adventure on the lost Planet Arcadia.
Try to survive 6 Days on the Planet, grabbing Items, Coins, or XP along the Way.
Every Day you get 50XP when you survive and by the End of the Game your Level 1 Character will be at Level 2.
Click on the Picture or the Link below and get your own Copy.
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