Solo Roleplaying Games, Testing Products, RPG

6×6 Tales – Week 1 – Small Roll & Write Adventure

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I would like to show you a small Roll & Write Game, called 6×6 Tales which is published by JackD Games. You only have to print out 3 Pages. You can also print out 3 Booklets, you will get both PDFs for Free. See the Link at the End of the Post to grab your own Copy of the Game. 

Please note – During Gameplay I had a Rule wrong. Instead of rolling for Treasure, you only get 1 Gold as loot. so I definitely could get Leveled up more, but I got Scrolls instead. Which is wrong, but I will go on from there, without changing it. Backtracking would lose me so much progress. 

For Setup, you look at the stats. The Numbers are already printed on the Sheet. You can then decide to play as different Races and get some better Stats. We are playing as a Human and gained 2 Gold. Let’s call him Will.  

For 6×6 Tales you use 2 d6 Dies. The Prime Dice for me is the blue one, and the Second is the white one. 

For the Starting Point, I rolled the Square III-4 where you will place a Crossroad and the Castle. 

The First main Quest is to Complete the Map: E02

First of all, we can grab a new Quest from the Castle. After rolling a 2 for the Quest and a 6-3 our new Quest will be: Defeat a Vet Monster on Location VI-3

After that, I decided to buy 2 Carrots which will give me 1 HP per Carrot for 2 Gold, and then leave the Castle. 

And we are Ready to begin our Adventure. 



After leaving the Castle, I thought of going South, down to the water. 

Move 3 – 5 and 5 – 1 arriving at III-6

Shortly after the Castle Grounds, the Road leads me through a Swamp, arriving at the plain Beach next. The Road leads straight into the Ocean. Gladly there is nothing more happened today and I fell asleep on the Beach. 

DAY 2. 

Move 1 back up, to the left. 2-5 – arriving at II-5

Daily Event: 6: Fight this week’s Monster. – Forrest, Week 1 = Giant Rats

(As mentioned, I was playing it wrong. Instead of the Scroll, I should have gained 1 Gold and would be able to Level up instead.)

After I grabbed my stuff, I moved back through the Swamp, turned left, and headed into the Forrest. Through the giant Trees, it got darker and darker, and out of nowhere, a Giant Rat was standing before me, asking for some trouble. After a short fight, the giant Rodent bit me, but with a Hit, he was defeated. Next to the Giant Rat, I found a Scroll. Opening it, a Carrot was drawn on it. I decided to read the Scroll, and a carrot appeared – While eating, my Bitemark from the Giant Rat was gone. This was a great time to get to sleep now. 

DAY 3 

We get our First Day Event E05. We find a Landmark. Rolling a 1 and then two 6. We find a Tower in Square- VI-6. Will does not know of this Tower yet. 

In the morning I decided to go back South, to see, what was in the Corner of this Island. 

Roll 5-6 Straight Lines through a Village. So I was deciding on staying in this Village or going back to the Forest. 

Little Huts were built around the Beach. I asked a Villager if he needed my help. 

Let’s grab a new Quest. From the II-6 Village, we need to go to II-2 and defeat a Vet Monster E19. 

“Please, can you go North, quite high up, and defeat a Vet Monster? It is dangerous up there. I took his request. Having almost no Money, I did not spend anything inside the Village. 

DAY 4: 

Moving back to the Forrest and on the Left. Rolled a 5-3. Not good. 

It gives us a straight line into the Ocean, through some Mountains. But, now we Isolated I-6, and can only move there with a Scroll of Rush our Kaboom. Which we don’t have at the moment. 

I rolled a 7 for the Event: 7 – Fight Week Monster – Week 1 Mountains = Goblin 

After moving back through the Forrest I landed in a Mountain Range that led me straight to the Westocean. I heard laughter echoing through the mountains. Behind a Stone, a Gobling attacked me. He got a sneaky attack on me and hit me. I was injured pretty hard. I then got a small hit against him. His Eyes turned red and I got scared. Grabbing another Carrot and healing up a bit, I tried for one more Hit and actually defeated him. The Goblin had a small bag around his body and inside I found a Scroll of Tomatos. 

(should have gained 1 Gold instead of the Scroll)

And so, Day 4 ended for Will. 


Move back into Forrest and North – Rolled 5-5 Streight – Swamp – arrived on II-4. 

For the Story Event, we rolled: 5 – Fight this week’s Monster – Swamp = Skeleton. Heading back into the Forrest and up north, I arrived in a Swamp. The Floor in the Swamp rumbled and out arrived a skeleton. It was reflecting the sun on his body. After attacking me, I got 2 decent hits and killed him, without getting any hits from him. He had some tattered clothes around him, and I found 1 Gold inside a pocket. 

(Sorry, it’s the closest I could find, resembling a Skeleton 🙂


The Last Day of Week 1. 

We get a Day Event – E39. Unusually bad weather. – d6 – 6 Can not move into Mountains. 

Let’s move. Rolled 1-3 of course a Mountain range – That is shocking… So we can now stay in the swamp or move to the forest. Let’s stay in the Swamp. 

For the Event: 6 – Fight this week’s Monster – Swamp skeleton. 

(In this Fight – I ate the Tomato from our Scroll, that I should not have gotten. I had it because of the wrong Rules I had.) Let me fix this, I will give up 1 Gold Coin instead. The thing is, if I didn’t eat this scroll, I would have died in this fight. The weather was so bad today. I wanted to go further north, but due to the weather, I did not want to wander into the mountains today. Instead of moving back south, I decided to stay in the swamp for today. Of course, there had to be another skeleton attacking us. I almost did not survive this fight. I did not feel so well, after eating it and I was glad, I survived. But, I did not have any Scrolls left for the new Week. 

And so, Week 1 ended with a lot of “unknown” cheating. 

I love this game. It has a small Footprint, and you will have new adventures all the Time. The Map will change on every Game and I can’t wait to finish this Game. If you would like your Copy of the Game, find here the Link to the Drive Thru RPG Website where you can download the Game for Free.×6-tales

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